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Boeing Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Boeing Australia

8.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 24 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
3 interviews over 3 months. Interview for coding position had to have a video call to complete "tests" but they were not stressful as the interviewers made sure to explain that even in the position I wouldn't be expected to remember everything off the top of my head so googling for information was ok.
Graduate, BNE - 25 Oct 2021
Friendly, open and no wrong answers.
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Oct 2021
Group interview/assessment centre day for intake as an intern, rolled over to grad program upon completing degree.
Graduate, Williamtown - 22 Oct 2021
One on one interview after a morning of information
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Oct 2021
The interview went for around an hour and involved a discussion about previous work experience and any notable projects; questions about whether I knew about the company and questions about how well I knew the basic fundamentals of the job role.
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Oct 2021
The interview process was fairly simple. My interview was with a HR rep and an Engineering manager who asked more personal questions than technical questions
Midlevel, Brisbane - 21 Oct 2021
Interview focused on past experiences and interests. Emphasis on cultural fit and the belief that skills can be taught if you're a good fit.
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 Oct 2021
Phone interview. Some broad technical questions based on your experience working in different kinds of situations. Some non-technical questions assessing fit with company Values.
Graduate, Newcastle - 15 Oct 2021
My interview process was quite different due to COVID. It consisted of just one virtual interview with a panel of 2 HR staff.
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Oct 2021
My hiring process consisted of a application submission, followed up by direct contact between a hiring manager who kept me informed along the different stages as my application was processed and then an interview with the hiring manager and a lead project manager.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
I had an interview with my manager at the time and the grad/intern manager. It was over an audio call and they asked me questions regarding technical skills and diversity and inclusion questions.
Graduate, Williamtown - 13 Oct 2021
Interviews asked very relevant and acceptable questions. No part of the process seemed unnecessary or overwhelming.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
I was originally hired as an intern for a temporary project (so not through the formal internship program which has now been established) so I was contacted for an interview and very quickly heard back saying I was successful. Since then I have been kept on through discussions with my managers.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
Online application Interview Offer
Graduate, Williamtown, NSW - 13 Oct 2021
Online application with cover letter and CV Video interview
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
Arrays of technical and problem solving questions. Formal and professional.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Oct 2021
The interview process was in two stages, online and in person.
Graduate, Adelaide - 12 Oct 2021
Went from application to interview - very smooth and cut out the useless testing.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Oct 2021
I had a virtual interview, this was quite challenging. Every new starter I have met it has been a pleasure to work with, clearly HR are doing something right!
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Oct 2021
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Safety. Diversity. Specifics about the job positions.
Graduate, BNE - 25 Oct 2021
What is systems engineering? Questions about soft skills
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Oct 2021
Basic knowledge skills. Questions about myself and my activities that I like to do in my spare time. The main question they asked is, 'Am I willing to learn and take chances for my work?'
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Oct 2021
N/A - assessment centre focused on team-building & communication exercises.
Graduate, Williamtown - 22 Oct 2021
Behavioural and technical questions
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Oct 2021
Questions included: "Can you describe what Systems Engineering is?" "What is the difference between Verification and Validation?" "How would you go about developing and maintaining a system over its lifetime?"
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Oct 2021
Questions around my thoughts on Diversity and Inclusion, why I wanted to work for the company, where I saw myself in 5 years time, etc.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 21 Oct 2021
typical STAR questions, why I am interested in the aerospace/defence industry, career aspirations and my interest in computer science.
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 Oct 2021
Have you ever worked with configuration management? When was a time you had to describe something technical to someone who did not have a technical background? How did you go about it? What does diversity mean to you?
Graduate, Newcastle - 15 Oct 2021
Behavioural rather than technical questions.
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Oct 2021
Questions included: Introduction about myself and getting to know me, why I was interested in the job, questions about the job role and what skills and experience I could bring to the business, past work experience/ roles and then me asking questions at the end to the hiring team about what I was curious about.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
The best security practice to implement, what diversity means to me, experience with cyber security and frameworks.
Graduate, Williamtown - 13 Oct 2021
Some technical questions but mostly questions about values and interpersonal skills in the engineering context which I think was very wise as it is often more important than technical ability.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
I was asked about my previous experience not only in a technical sense but also how I've developed my soft skills and what my thoughts were on diversity and inclusion.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
STAR style questions relevant to the role Scenario based questions - "how would you respond" or "what order would you complete these tasks and why"
Graduate, Williamtown, NSW - 13 Oct 2021
Mixture of technical engineering questions and behavioural questions
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
What is the engineering process in general form? Problem solving different situations, etc.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Oct 2021
Technical software, position and personality related questions.
Graduate, Adelaide - 12 Oct 2021
Safety, Diversity, Pressure, Teamwork Questions
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Oct 2021
Mainly behavioral questions, a lot of them based around safety.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Oct 2021
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
If someone has anxiety doing an interview over webex is much better and less stressful.
Graduate, BNE - 25 Oct 2021
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Oct 2021
Go in there and be honest. You don't have to be the best in that area but be willing to learn.
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Oct 2021
Know the company - what it does, who they work with, its values etc.
Graduate, Williamtown - 22 Oct 2021
Be yourself
Graduate, Brisbane - 22 Oct 2021
Make sure that you research about the company and jot down any key points (What the company does, any key projects etc.) before the interview. Also, ensure that you know what you are applying for, or at least have somewhat of an idea, by researching about the role prior to the interview.
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Oct 2021
Be yourself, ultimately if you're the right fit and the company is the right fit for you, then being yourself is the best way to get hired.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 21 Oct 2021
Be honest and transparent in your answers, fake scenarios are not necessary and share your passions in the software engineering space.
Graduate, Brisbane - 18 Oct 2021
Read up on company Values. There's a million different ways to describing something. It's not that you don't know it, it's probably different terminology. Ask if you don't know what a word/phrase means.
Graduate, Newcastle - 15 Oct 2021
Read the job ad carefully to meet all requirements (e.g. answering certain questions in the cover letter, spelling Boeing right)
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Oct 2021
Know and understand the role you are applying for and why you want to that particular job. Research possible interview question and be prepared for the unexpected question. Answer honestly and true to yourself. Relax and take the process/ interview one step at a time, the hiring team are friendly and easy going.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
I would suggest to ready up about the work that they do and background information regarding to the field in which you're applying in. For example, if it's IT, read up on cyber security frameworks used by industries in this field, gain further IT certifications outside of your degree, any background knowledge helps.
Graduate, Williamtown - 13 Oct 2021
Undertake relevant experiences and internships outside of your formal studies to show you are willing to invest in your own personal growth and to develop your soft skills that don't get assessed at university as much.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
Just come as you are and be confident!
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
Gain experience in a wide variety of areas through work and extra-curricular activities. It makes you a really well rounded candidate. You may not be the top of the class but your character is highly important.
Graduate, Williamtown, NSW - 13 Oct 2021
Read a bit into behavioural style interviews and what to expect from those
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2021
Be confident, refresh your technical knowledge, understand the question before answering and be positive.
Graduate, Adelaide - 12 Oct 2021
Understand what the company does and how that aligns with what you want to do
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Oct 2021
Prepare yourself by thinking about how a large company is run, and what things would hold the most value to such a company.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Oct 2021