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Fuse Recruitment

  • < 100 employees

Anna Toh

When I have the chance to catch up with my supervisor, we review my goals and assess where my help is needed for the day.

5.00 AM

I wake up early since I live on the Sunshine Coast, so after getting up, I immediately get ready to head to the office in Brisbane. 

5.30 AM

It takes around 30 minutes from the time I wake up to get out of the door. I’m usually quick since I have already planned an outfit and meal prep the night before. 

6.00 PM

I catch the train and bus because I live far away, and luckily train fares are only 50 cents right now. I leave around 5:45 am and arrive at Fuse by 8 am. During my travel time, I review university assignments, check on work tasks, and take care of other personal things before work. 

8.00 PM

When I arrive at work, I say hello to everyone as I walk in (they're so friendly!) and then sit down at my desk after chatting with a few people about their weekend or the evening before. 

8.30 PM

Around 8:20 or 8:30 am, I open my computer and check for any emails or messages I've missed since I was last in. I make a list of tasks for the day, then spend some time on an admin task that fills the time until around 9 am. When I have the chance to catch up with my supervisor, we review my goals and assess where my help is needed for the day. 

10.00 PM

Each day looks different, but around this time I might be resourcing or seeking candidates on SEEK, along with calling some reference checks. 

12.00 PM

I have lunch around 12pm and usually bring food from home. I spend my lunch chatting to my other colleagues who are taking a break at the same time. 

1.00 PM 

In the afternoon, I often join meetings or use that time to schedule more for the following day. When making calls, I follow templates and consult with my co-workers nearby if I have any questions! 

4:30 PM

Before I leave for the day, I review all the tasks I’ve worked on and send emails to co-workers if I haven't finished them, letting them know my progress. I tidy up any loose ends and make a list of tasks that need to be completed the next time I come in. I say goodbye to everyone and head out the door! 

7.30 PM

I'm finally home! The commute back is rough, but once I get in, I’ll still have to cook dinner and review some university work. After all the chores are done, I finally get to spend time with my partner and watch TV. 

9.30 PM

After a long day, I go to bed early to have a fresh start the next day! 

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