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  • 100 - 500 employees

Culture at KordaMentha

8.9 rating for Culture, based on 23 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
The office culture among the junior team is very good - everyone is very friendly and gets along. Generally people are happy to help out and assist you with tasks if you are under pressure, and socialising is quite good. I do catch up with my colleagues outside work hours as we see each other as friends (but still respect each other as colleagues). In terms of the junior-senior team relationship, there could be more communication and consideration towards transparency. In addition, sometimes there are situations where only certain people at the junior level get invited for coffees and things like that with the senior team which is sometimes frustrating - but it isn't intentional.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Feb 2021
There is a good group of people who get along both in the workplace and outside. There isn't a specific segregation between levels of seniority when it comes to socialising and cooperating
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Feb 2021
Structure/hierarchy: There are nine different levels at the company (as follows): Business Analyst, Senior Business Analyst, Executive Analyst, Senior Executive Analyst, Manager, Associate Director, Director, Executive Director and Partner. The company also has six different teams (as follows): Restructuring, Forensic, Corporate, Real Estate, 333 Capital and Practice Management. Co-operation and teamwork: Co-operation and teamwork within the company is very progressive. All employees (regardless of job title) interact on an engagement and share the workload. There is no middle man when it comes to communication between lower-level and higher-level employees (ie. Business Analysts and Partners discuss matters directly). Beyond co-operation and teamwork between employees, there is also co-operation and teamwork with interstate offices. The engagements you are able to work on are not limited to your office, there is the opportunity to work on engagements for the (for example) Sydney office while working at the Melbourne office. Teamwork is not limited to service lines either, depending on the engagement multiple teams may be needed. Socialising amongst colleagues: Socialisation at the company is great. All employees are personable, welcoming and easy to get along with. Within office hours, socialisation is limited to walks to the coffee machine, general desk chit-chat, lunch breaks and the occasional work event. After hours, the socialisation is just as good. "Friday Night Drinks" are held each Friday. These nights are always a hit. We also hold annual events such as the KordaMentha Ball.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Feb 2021
Flat hierarchy, very approachable senior team, strong work together mentality, social events for all to partake in before or after hours.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Feb 2021
Very good culture, close knit team both in junior and intra level. Very easy to have relationships and learn from senior team, who are well engaged with the office.
Midlevel, Sydney - 11 Feb 2021
Socialisng obviously down with COVID, but normally we do occasionally lunches / morning teas, great Christmas party. Co-operation is good and everyone is willing to help, especially with questions.
Graduate, Townsville - 11 Feb 2021
A very cohesive and welcoming environment. The team works well together and enjoys plenty of post work catch ups.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2021
It's a good culture that is friendly, hard working with lots of cooperation in teams and across the various areas
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Jan 2021
Amazing culture, in all aspects.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 29 Jan 2021
It is a very supportive workplace, the people are very switched on and there are a lot of senior people to look up to. It is very teamwork focused and you are never completing tasks alone. It is a very social cohort but can often be male dominant.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jan 2021
The culture is very good. Everyone is generally very sociable both during and after hours and we are always working in teams.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 11 Dec 2020
Hard working culture, some opportunities to socialize outside of work too. Good mix between junior and senior employees in charge of social events.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Dec 2020
Senior staff are very visible and engage well with junior staff. Each specific engagement will have a small team from all levels of hierarchy. Staff enjoy working hard but also are proactive in socialising and organising events out of work
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Dec 2020
Culture seriously affected by covid. Socialising has been nonexistant.
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Dec 2020
The office is open plan, and no one is ever too busy or annoyed to be asked questions from juniors. There is still an obvious hierarchy, but that is required. My colleagues are always extremely helpful and willing to explain concepts to me, or review my work before I send it to my superiors. Most of my colleagues are also genuinely my friends, though there is sometimes some sense of 'cliquiness'.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Jul 2020
The culture is perfect. There are no cliques, with everyone getting along and no one ever being excluded. You can work in a team or ask easily anyone from the office for help or advice. The social aspect is incredibly inclusive, with everyone always being invited to lunch or after work drinks.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jul 2020
There are nine levels at KordaMentha: Partner, Executive Director, Director, Associate Director, Manager, Senior Executive Analyst, Executive Analyst, Senior Business Analyst and Business Analyst. The work across these nine levels is very collaborative, for example, business analysts aren't restricted to only working with business analysts but also have the opportunity to work closely with those at higher levels (eg. Partners or Directors). With regards to the culture during hours, everyone is friendly and welcoming. You can walk into the eating spaces, sit at a table with someone you have never spoken to before and talk like you're old friends. Everyone at the workplace gets along, with creates a good morale that boosts productivity. With regards to the culture after hours, we have weekly Friday night drinks which allows the entire team to catch-up in a more social setting. Events like this allow you to create personal connections with people and form friendships that exist outside of the workplace.
Intern, Melbourne - 12 Jul 2020