Updating Results

Policy Futures Graduate Program (Queensland Government)

  • > 100,000 employees

Diversity at Policy Futures Graduate Program (Queensland Government)

8.8 rating for Diversity, based on 12 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
The Department is definitely a very diverse place, and there are a very high percentage of women in higher management positions. I would say promotion and maternity leave are workforce leading best practices, and something for the private sector to aspire to. I work with people from different ethnic and social backgrounds, and can genuinely say it is a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
All covered. Obviously, there is still significant work to be done, but I understand my employer is dedicated to recruiting and providing additional supports to employees where needed. There are a lot of women of intersectional backgrounds in executive/leadership roles, and having children has not been as much of a barrier as it once was.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Very strong diversity in the workplace. High numbers of women in leadership positions and flexible arrangements for child care and maternity leave.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Highly committed. One of the best workplaces I have seen for this.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
I think I have not had enough exposure to be able to give a fulsome response but I do think the government prioritises diversity and hope to be able to look into this in the future.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
The Queensland Government is very committed to supporting and promoting diversity in the workplace. This is exemplified by the wide range of grads currently in the program.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
I work in a team consisting of all women, the executive team on my floor are also women. Ethnic minorities are present at all levels of the organisation; from grads to executives. The office space is proactive in supporting LGBT members of the team.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
There should be more effort to recruit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduates.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
As someone from a low socio-economic background I would say the Department attracts those with a drive to better their position in life. The recruiting process has inbuilt adjustments available for those who have disabilities or are neurodivergent. Most importantly the Department places an emphasis on merit rather than association. I was hired because of my talents and qualifications, not because of the school I went to.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Targeted recruitment.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Explicit recruitment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Facilitates additional requirements for those with disabilities to support workplace access and capability
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Their commitment to diversity from all levels is evident in the application process for work
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022