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Policy Futures Graduate Program (Queensland Government)

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Application Process & Interviews at Policy Futures Graduate Program (Queensland Government)

8.0 rating for Recruitment, based on 12 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
After an online assessment round, there are an online interview and assessment centre day with both group tasks and individual interview.
Experienced, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
I was hired in an unusual year so the recruitment process was highly compressed and I had little notice before I had to move interstate to commence the role. The assessments themselves were within the parameters of the average recruitment style of most Australian graduate programs.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Interview process was really good. The resources provided for interviews were really applicable and helpful. Assessments were expected and relevant to job description
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
The description on the Policy Futures website is pretty accurate to the stages of the application process. The first stage is just some simple eligibility questions, a resume drop, and a short paragraph or two about your motivation for applying. The online assessments are like most other graduate programs and I would recommend if you think you need adjustments for any reason do reach out to the team and ask for them as it made all the difference for me. For the video interview definitely do the test question seriously to get familiar with the set-up, as talking to a camera can feel a little unnatural. The assessment centres were also ultimately not as stressful or painful as a lot of other assessment centres I have done for other programs. At no point do you feel like you're competing against the other candidates in your group activity and actually quite a few groups all got through together so definitely work together as best as you can and you'll do great.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
There were multiple steps but it progressed in a logical order and it was clear what was required. There were also reminder emails and adequate time to complete each step.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Initial application followed by aptitude testing. Then a video interview round. Finally, a group assessment centre, including individual interviews.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
There was a test, a writing and mathematics skills activity, and an assessment centre where we did group work and an interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
It was very standard in terms of any other government graduate program. Being asked to draft a response to an email I think was unique and really valuable.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Interview was a rigorous process. After submitting an application, I was informed I'd made it to the next round where I had to answer to questions. Making it to the next round I had to take a couple of metrics tests: maths, literature, and personality. The next round required a interview to camera answering three questions and writing a draft letter. The final stage was a group interview and a one-on-one interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
First step is an online application, followed by online testing, a video interview and an assessment centre.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
The interview process was quite lengthy. You had to submit a written application. You then were invited to complete psychometric testing, followed by a one-way online interview (4 questions). If successful, you are required to attend an in-person assessment centre which included a group assessment task followed by an individual interview for 30 minutes.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
I can't remember them all, generally about challenges, working under pressure and dealing with tenuous tasks, etc.
Experienced, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
"Tell me about a time that you had to deal with a difficult customer or colleague at work. What strategies did you employ, and what would you do differently next time?" "This job requires you to sometimes do lots of small mundane little tasks, or to juggle competing deadlines for work. How would you stay motivated to meet these tasks?" "Why do you want a job with the Queensland Government?"
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
4 behavioural interview questions regarding 1. How I work in a team 2. How I make conclusions from evidence 3. How I understand tasks to be part of a bigger picture/goal 4. How I meet deadlines and expectations
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
The interview was a fairly standard job interview. However, it didn't feel too overly formal and strict. The types of questions were situational and previous experience that would relate to the new role. Motivations for applying, what I wanted to get out of the program and a career in public service. It'll sound a bit cliched but the STAR technique for answering questions is your friend and don't be afraid to take your time when answering to get your point across clearly.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Why we wanted to work in the field and the grad program. Policy case study in group session.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
From memory, my final interview asked me about my experience with researching and time management and my ability to deal with repetitive, administrative tasks.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Biggest challenge and how overcame it. Primarily questions which gave me the opportunity to show my strengths.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
How do you stay engaged when performing repetitive tasks? Why do you want to work for the public service? When have you had to use research to solve a problem and how did you decide on your course of action? Why are you the best candidate for this program?
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Have a growth mindset and be willing to learn. Be open to changes and opportunities as well as challenges.
Experienced, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
1. Definitely do some practice psychometric tests ahead of time to get yourself.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
My take is that the best preparation a candidate can undertake is to do general interview practice and be authentic. There is no expectation that candidates know anything about government, the policy process or the laws of the land.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Research the values and competencies of the organisation and the job description and make sure you have experiences that clearly articulate those values and competencies
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Have a clear understanding of why you want to join the public service, whatever that reason may be. Read up on some of the current initiatives that the Queensland Government is undertaking and what types of departments may appeal to you.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
I would say read government style writing to get an understanding of what writing style is expected as that is an important part of this job. Look into what types of departments you may be interested in applying for in the future. Prepare interview responses following the STAR method so that you get accustomed to answering questions in that way. This will help with the pressure and nervousness you may experience going into the interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Know what public policy is, how the Government works (at least somewhat), have an idea of why you would like to work in the grad program.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Practice online aptitude tests beforehand. The program is look for a wide range of diverse people so focus on your skills and what you can offer.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Best prepare by completing test interview questions and taking in notes. Support your other potential colleagues during the group interview process; it is not a competition, allow them to show their skills but not at the expense of showing your own
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Practice psychometric testing and how to best show your skills in that type of testing.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Prepare answers using the STAR method, be friendly and open.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Read the position description and role requirements in great detail. All the interview questions will be based off this. There are no surprises.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022