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Policy Futures Graduate Program (Queensland Government)

  • > 100,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Policy Futures Graduate Program (Queensland Government)

8.3 rating for Workplace, based on 13 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Wear pink on Wednesday and jeans on Friday.
Experienced, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
The office is very modern and open. I have floor to ceiling windows less than 3 meters from my desk and have a great view of Brisbane's suburbs. I have an spacious and functional workstation which allows me to spread out if I want, and I don't have to pay for stationery. There are lots of meeting rooms with modern videoconferencing facilities and plenty of quiet rooms and green spaces if I want a break from working at my desk. The kitchens are clean and expansive, and there is plenty of space to eat. Every third floor has a automatic espresso machine with coffees for a dollar, if that's your thing. Dress code is a balance between traditional business and business casual. I wear a long-sleeved business shirt, trousers, and oxfords, for every day wear, but keep a tie in my drawer and a jacket on the back of my chair in case of any important meetings.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
My office is in the heart of the city. The open office space is a bit drab (unless you are in a central agency- their building is the nicest) and the facilitates are nice and functional. Dress code depends on which government agency you are in, but as a general rule it is business casual.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Office is located in the CBD. Open plan offices with pods containing 4 desks each. Plain looking offices (i.e. grey walls). The floor that I work on has a small kitchen but no table to have lunch break. Dress code is smart casual, with Friday's being casual (i.e. jeans)
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
My current office location was built fairly recently and has great amenities, big open desks for everyone and excellent end-of-trip facilities (with showers, towel service, bike/scooter storage, and lockers). Location is just on the south end of Brisbane's CBD with a easy access to loads of bus routes, ferries, and two train stations within walking distance. Dress code is a pretty relaxed business casual with most people wearing smart but comfortable clothing.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Location is great and very close to the City mall. The dress code is business casual but very flexible.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
1WS is the best office building in Brisbane. The dress code is business-casual. Certainly not suit-and-tie but more formal than some private sector offices.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
It depends on what department you go to - generally the dress code is not too formal (general business wear) and the offices are nice.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Dress code is business casual. Office's are clean, equipment works, kitchenette is on the floor.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022
Good and well furnished, and easily accessible. Dress code is very flexible to fit what you are comfortable with but remaining professional.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Apr 2022