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Ramsay Health Care

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Culture at Ramsay Health Care

7.1 rating for Culture, based on 87 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
The culture at the hospital is more than poor. It is a toxic work environment. The ward culture itself is amazing, we are supportive and encouraging with each other. We help out each other when needed. I have never been treated like I am just a grad, I have been made to feel like I am safe and I am given the same respect and acknowledgment as senior staff. We often have ward morning teas, staff bake food for everyone just because, our NUM will give farewell gifts to staff leaving out of her own pocket and recently we had a staff member who had become extremely unwell & having to resign following contracting COVID at work and as a ward we did a collection to give her to help out with bills.
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Nov 2023
The culture of the immediate team is excellent, I can't speak on anything higher than that as I've not had the opportunity to experience collaborating with other managers quite yet.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
Supportive, cooperative, communicative, if their area is light the nurses will ask other areas if they need help. There is respect for those that are a higher grade however, we see each other as equal. The NUM is well respected. Social gatherings are also a part of our culture outside of work.
Grade 2 EN, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
Teamwork in my particular area is great. when i have a question i can always find someone to ask that is willing to help you find the answer to your question
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
During office hours most staff are friendly and cooperarive with each other. The structure of the wokplace is lacking at times. I find that most senior staff spend too much time gossiping and complaining, whilst other staff do most of the hard work. I find this unfair.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 07 Nov 2023
So far I have witnessed everyone is communicating well and has very good relationships amongst other wards
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
In Boyd Ward, staffs, ANUMs and the NUM have a very tight relationship. It is quite difficult to blend as a grad. Teamwork is there if you ask for help. But I still don't feel like I belong in the group.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Nov 2023
Good environment. Staff communicates with each other. Good teamwork.
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Nov 2023
Management is inconsistent. The culture within the facility is not promoted enough. We never do team bonding activities etc. Feels like we just come to work and work our butts off but get no praise or opportunity to celebrate successes.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Nov 2023
Some wards are very clique and have a negative reputation. Some of these staff have been in these wards for too long, they are stale and not open to new people. Even some of the newer staff are just generally negative, but again, this could just be personality type, they probably wouldn't be happy anywhere. There is little to no communication from the decision makers as to why things happen or don't happen. Transparency would go a long way. Like I said, even if people don't agree with the choices and decisions being made, at least we have the information. Stops a lot of whispers around the hospital wards. Makes the division between the workers on the ground and the workers in the office a little less.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Nov 2023
The nurses I've worked with have always been supportive and kind. I have felt able to ask questions when I don't know things, and if the other nurse also doesn't know, we will find out together. We work well as a team and help out equally to fill shift deficits. If there is ever an issue, the nurse unit manager/s are very approachable and eager to help/make changes.
Graduate, Albury - 05 Nov 2023
There are clicks of nurses that stick together. Some get favoured patient loads. The educator is very negative and acts as if she's open to ways of improvements but she shoots every single possibility down. Every huddle is her banging on about everything we've neglected to do. Every email she sends is things we've done wrong or poorly. Often the TL's are so busy they are frustrated and it comes across at us nurses when we need help. When we do say we are given a patient load that is unreasonable, we are told "sorry, that's the best I can do" and each nurse has 5-6 patients. There is a reason NSW Health moved to safe nurse to patient ratios, 4 patients to 1 nurse. And that is on wards that are much less heavy than ours. But Ramsay declined participating in the safe patient ratios initiative. That speaks volumes to us as nurses about where you priorities lie. As a result, nurses skip steps, cut corners, and patients suffer. It has gotten worse, not better. When we do socialise, it's very nice and pleasant. The NUM is a lovely person that does her best, but I fear she is fighting an uphill battle. The whole system is broken. We get postop patients from recovery. The wardspeople deliver them. The RN handing over is in a hurry and tried to skim through the handover, and then leaves. Then you're left to decipher the information. Neither the bed or any of the equipment is plugged in. The postop instructions say calf compressors for 48 hours, and they are delivered with none. THen we have to try to find some or call the wardsman back to track some down. It's a trickle effect because every department's staff is being pushed to their breaking point so that Ramsay has a better bottom line and money in their pockets. It's a very sad and frustrating place to work.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Nov 2023
My company's culture is that every staff member feels respected from top management to the lowest because we all play a unique and important role in delivering quality health care to our pts. We all learnt to show respect and treat one another's culture as important as ours. We also respect each other's privacy after hours. Working at JHC makes you feel a sense of belonging, simply put part of the team.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
Our wards culture is marked by a strong sense of community and collaboration both within the office and after hours. We foster a culture of open communication and mutual respect, which is reflected in our organizational structure. While we do have a hierarchy, it is not hierarchical in the traditional sense; it's more of a supportive structure where all team members have a voice and are encouraged to contribute their ideas and feedback.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
Our ward is very close, and we really pull together. I dread going to another ward as they often complain about ours and our work ethic.
Graduate, Cairns - 03 Nov 2023
Most of the team is amazing. We work well together on our ward.
Graduate, Ipswich - 03 Nov 2023
Our team is really good. Everyone gets along well and always work together as a team. We are always doing stuff for each other and helping out. We do a unit secret Santa and get staff members gifts if someone is unwell
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
Some staff are amazing and other staff are really hard to with because they are so negative.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
The team gets along really well with one another. The CNS and SDN come out of the office all of the time to help when numbers are short.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
Friendly, team oriented,
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023