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The University of Melbourne


Culture at The University of Melbourne

8.0 rating for Culture, based on 13 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
High teamwork, and social amongst colleagues
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Nov 2017
Our company honours tradition but also prides itself on being cutting-edge. Being so large, there are countless subcultures within departments and teams, but on the whole, I would describe the culture as respectful, tolerant, competitive and friendly. Excellence is highly valued. In my experience, people are busy, so socialising is not always a priority.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 01 Nov 2017
Everyone in socially welcoming, but the work environment is challenging due to poor communication, inadequate supervision and a lack of clear expectations. Managers sometimes view graduates as an inconvenience, even though they specifically requested we join their team.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Oct 2017
Strong focus on building culture during work hours to allow for time away from work. The organisation is quite hierarchical and every team has been different, but there are plenty of opportunities to get involved across different business areas.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Oct 2017
It really varies from team to team. My previous team had a very positive culture and we went out for drinks/lunch together a lot. I had developed a great relationship with people at the very top of the hierarchy (Director of my team, and even his bosses [COO/Dean]) and although teamwork wasn't great with this Director, it was with colleagues within the team. The negative moments in that role came from staff that were not in my team (clients within the University). My new team is chatty whilst at work but also very task-focussed and does not go out for drinks or lunch together. I also really dislike the rigidity of working hours in this team (they are very funny about leaving the office if it's not for lunch) which makes it hard to maintain the networks I have established (can't just go meet someone for a coffee), and no possibility of working from home as was common in my previous team.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Oct 2017
It is a large organisation so it can vary however from my experience the culture is very grounded.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 23 Oct 2017
Very friendly teams. Diverse age ranges and mix of part and full-time workers.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Oct 2017
Overall University culture is fantastic, although some teams and faculties have their own sub-cultures which can be confronting at first if you transfer to a new role. The University is fantastic for work/life balance and family, which in my opinion has enabled more women to develop themselves professionally.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Oct 2017