Updating Results

Viva Energy Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Sophie Davy

A day in life involves a busy work schedule focused on cyber safety, meetings, and skill development, with personal time in the morning and evening to unwind and care for a puppy.

7.30 AM

I wake up to my alarm and ponder if I can afford another few minutes in the warm sanctuary of my bed before I begin to get ready. I set about preparing for my day and ensuring I have all the items I require for the workday ahead. I then begin the arduous task of shepparding my dog and my partner into the car.

8.30 AM

I finally arrive at work and begin to set up for the day. I start by organizing my laptop and laying out all the items I will require for the day. I usually begin by checking my schedule to see what meetings I have and shuffling my daily tasks to fit around any meetings. I then go through my emails and respond to any meeting invites and other emails requiring my quick response. After this, I tend to tackle the emails requiring more work, and this can sometimes take a little while!

9.00 AM

Usually my co-workers have all arrived by this time, and I take the time to catch up with them and get a hot chocolate from the machine in the kitchen, which, by the way, makes delicious beverages.

9.30 AM

At this time I go onto my Jira account to check the tasks assigned to me and prepare for our Cyber Safety stand-up. This is where we discuss what tasks we have completed, what tasks we are currently working on and plan to work on as well as any difficulties we are facing. It is also a good time to see what my colleagues are working on and if I can assist in any other work.

10.00 AM

I usually have a lot of meetings to attend to discuss tasks and projects. This is a good time for me to learn, and I usually find out something I didn’t know before. Currently, we are working on implementing a new framework to augment our current cyber safety processes. This meeting is very helpful in giving me a good understanding of the overall cyber safety structure within Viva as well as the global and Australian standards for cyber safety. Viva has a very high standard for cyber safety; however, the environment is constantly changing, and therefore our team is always looking for ways to improve.

11.00 AM

I use this time to work on some of my BAU work, including updating reports, responding to ticket requests and completing risk assessment reviews. A lot of my work includes liaising with stakeholders, and therefore it is important that I give prompt, accurate, and friendly responses.

11.45 AM

I have a coffee catch up with my workplace buddy and we discuss both work and personal lives.

12.00 PM

Lunch time! I use this time to go down to one of the restaurants or cafes to pick up some lunch and usually head back to the lunch room to eat because that’s where the best view is!

1.00 PM

In the afternoon I usually have more meetings but today I use the free time to work on a task I have been assigned to collate a list of vendor services that we are due to reassess. This involves liaising with business owners and launching risk assessment questionnaires.

2.00 PM

I attended a meeting to discuss any change applications that happening in the T&D area. This is a good time to see if any major changes will be occurring in the future, particularly ones that may have an impact on our work in Cyber Safety. It’s also a good time to see if any departments are looking to implement new vendor services, which will need to go through the risk assessment process.

3.00 PM

Around this time I check to see if any emails have come in that I may have missed throughout the day and complete any more service tickets that may have come in. Today there are not too many so I use the time to update our procedure documents with anything new I have learned or any change processes. This is helpful for me to be able to follow new processes easily and not forget anything and also for my colleagues to follow if required. I usually get them to check any new processes I have written to confirm they are correct and if there is any additional information they can add, that would be helpful.

4.00 PM

I do not have any more meetings for the day so I use this time to access LinkedIn learning and work on some courses to improve my skills and stay up to date with any new practices in the cyber security world.

5.00 PM

Time to head home!

6.00 PM

When I return home, I usually hang out with my puppy and watch some Netflix. I use this time to cool down from the day at work and prepare dinner.

9.30 PM

This is the puppy’s bedtime and I have to find the strength to shift her from her comfortable position on the couch and put her to bed (this can take some time). Then I get ready for bed, set my alarm for the next morning and spend some time scrolling Facebook and playing games on my phone before falling asleep.

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