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Training & Personal Development at WSP Australia

7.8 rating for Training, based on 58 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
Skills to use various software. Face to face client meeting. Constant feedback from mentor on current progression.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Apr 2022
Have not gone through much of training
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Apr 2022
Formal training such as the formal graduate program sessions are hit or miss, with the monthly one hour sessions typically serving as just Q and A sessions, which is not super useful since your direct manager is usually better able to answer any questions at any time. Other training such as induction training on the company policies and systems etc. is very well put together and extremely useful. In terms of informal training, there is usually free time to watch a training course for a specific software or something of the like, and when put on a project your manager will typically provide you with some basic training if you are stuck on something and ask for help.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Apr 2022
Not great at providing formal training unless on a project
Midlevel, Perth - 11 Apr 2022
In terms of formal training, REACH and the graduate program have helped introduce me to the companies values and expectations, and helped highlight where to go for support. In terms of on the job training, it feels slightly unorganised with little direction provided. My expectations within the team could be made clearer, as occasionally I'm not sure what I should know or don't know at this stage, and I feel the team does not know either.
Graduate, Adelaide - 11 Apr 2022
We have attended few only trainings regarding cost checks. They were useful.
Graduate, Perth - 11 Apr 2022
Good training modules to enhance soft and hard skills. Resources also allocated for technical trainings which one of the best incentive.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Apr 2022
Good training but probably should've been considered a little more
Graduate, Adelaide - 11 Apr 2022
graduate programs, EPN meeting where we can get a chance to interact with the professionals. Social events, training sessions from other companies etc.
Graduate, adelaide - 06 Apr 2022
Without true specific training I was allowed to work at my own pace and most of the learning has been done on the job. On the job training has been delivered in a logical way allowing me to start on the basics and build from there, whilst I do make mistakes, working on real projects allows me to understand why the mistakes were made, how to fix them and where to get support when I need help. Rather than just trying to rote learn content
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Mar 2022
External training has been good. Basically no internal training because everyone is too busy.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Mar 2022
- HSE - General soft skills through REACH - Lunch and Learn every week with relevant topics - AWS training - ARR 2019 - Additional webinars every week (EA, AWS, etc)
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Mar 2022
Internal training and induction. Learnt about the company, how things work, how to set myself up for my learning and development and informal python training (only been with the company for a short time so haven't been exposed to everything yet).
Graduate, Brisbane - 25 Mar 2022
I am part of the Graduate program which has regular workshops and training modules. We also have dedicated training modules for the company itself, for all employees, and recently I have gotten 4WD training and white card induction for work requirements, which has been great to have.
Graduate, Newcastle - 25 Mar 2022
The graduate program is great
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Mar 2022
Required to have quarterly meetings recording personal development and career goals, this allows your training to be tailored to what you want to achieve.
Graduate, Adelaide - 24 Mar 2022
It took me a long time to get detailed design work which was frustrating and what I looked forward to most when I joined the company
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Mar 2022
Formal training does not include technical skills. The reason given by the graduate program is that it is difficult to cater for all graduates from different disciplines. While I agree, I would strongly suggest that some allowance (other than work hours) to be made for technical skill training, such as paying for training courses. Skills I have learn on the job are very specific to the individual projects. However, as I have been exposed to similar projects over a short period of time, the skills are transferable. It is difficult to say in the future with the variety of project potentially to be given.
Graduate, Perth - 23 Mar 2022
There is online resources made available for some softwares, though the best way to learn is through others with experience. People try to teach & help out where they can, but are often also extremely busy. There is a push to have billable hours so if you want training it sometimes has to be in your own time.
Graduate, Newcastle - 23 Mar 2022
Avoid burnout Time Management Career Progression networking
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Mar 2022