Updating Results

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Group

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Jayden Keegan

It is easy to make assumptions on what you think working in banking would be like, but I can confidently say, Bendigo Adelaide Bank isn’t your typical Bank!

Growing up in Bendigo and seeing the impact the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has had on the community made it an easy decision to apply.

Like most graduates, the transition going into full time work can be daunting. Having no experience, and moving into a new environment can be seen as a difficult task, but through the graduate program we are given hands on work that builds on our theoretical knowledge from university.

As a People & Performance graduate, I have been given a broad exposure to many aspects of the business, and opportunities to network with staff at all levels.

My initial rotation was in the payroll department, understanding how our employees are paid, and all benefits and policies we have regarding staff. It also gave me great exposure to our main HRIS that is used by majority of the HR department.

Following this rotation, I have been working with the Business Operations team and Business Partners, who are the ‘front line’ of our HR team. This is where I am gaining a better understanding of all the textbook theory I have learn over my studies.

And soon enough, I may even get to meet you! As I will be working on the 2016 Graduate program, which I am currently getting training on, to further my understanding and passion for recruitment and selection.

It is easy to make assumptions on what you think working in banking would be like, but I can confidently say, Bendigo Adelaide Bank isn’t your typical Bank!