Updating Results

Alluvium Group

  • 100 - 500 employees

Alluvium Group Reviews

Based on 8 surveyed graduates working at Alluvium Group . Read on to get an insider’s view on life as a graduate.
Based on 8 reviews

Pros & Cons

  • I am surrounded by intelligent, driven, and caring colleagues who share the same core values as me regarding the environment. I am able to work on topic areas I find meaningful and challenging, while being supported by a great team.
  • The best thing about working with Alluvium is that I am able to work alongside colleagues who share the same core values as myself regarding the environment, as well as sharing an aligned work ethos in general. While my company contains people working in a diverse range of areas, there is a common thread between everyone in terms of our life outlook. This is reflected in Alluvium having an excellent workplace culture that makes it an inclusive and supportive place to work. It’s also a workplace that facilitates the sharing of experience and expertise, while presenting multiple opportunities to learn about each other’s work – this keeps things interesting! Alluvium is also structured towards strongly encouraging professional growth over time, which is important to me in the workplace.
  • I am provided with the perfect level of challenging tasks during work hours, with the support I need to complete them and encouraged/supported in maintaining a work-life balance with flexible working arrangements.
  • Easy to approach team leads, seniors and mentors to ask for advice and suggestions
  • The best thing about working with Alluvium is that I am able to work alongside colleagues who share the same core values as myself regarding the environment, as well as sharing an aligned work ethos in general. While my company contains people working in a diverse range of areas, there is a common thread between everyone in terms of our general outlook on life. This is reflected in Alluvium having an excellent workplace culture that makes it an inclusive and supportive place to work. It’s also a workplace that facilitates the sharing of experience and expertise, while presenting multiple opportunities to learn about each other’s work, which keeps things interesting! Alluvium is also structured towards strongly encouraging professional growth over time, which is important to me in a workplace.
  • Just the general consulting company complaints, nothing specific to Alluvium.
  • For some, it maybe the lack of given direction. However, for me this is a perk
  • I am personally still learning to factor in the financial considerations that come with working in the consulting industry, having previously worked for publicly-funded organisations.
  • There are many more things in the ‘what I like’ basket than in the ‘what I don’t like’ basket in my company. It’s truly one of the best places I’ve worked at, so it’s difficult to say what is the worst thing. For me personally, I came to Alluvium with no experience working in the consulting field, and this has meant that one of the most challenging aspects of starting at Alluvium has been learning to have consideration for the consulting aspects of my work. This includes learning to have an awareness of the time and financial constraints that can exist at times, which were new to me having worked previously in publicly-funding companies.
  • There is no rigid or structured graduate training. Everything is learned on the job and graduates would have to be diligent on their own working progress and reach out to what they want to learn.

What Insiders Say

Career Prospects
Career Prospects
I know that for the first 2-3 years, people often fill the project support role or are promoted to analyst. Then, many people start to take on project management roles. At times, there are openings for technical leadership or team leadership roles.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
Alluvium is a certified B Corp organisation, meaning they demonstrate a high level of social and environmental performance.
Alluvium has a fantastic work culture, it’s one of the first things I noticed about working here. I felt comfortable and welcomed from the get-go, and was actually introduced to every single person in the office on my first day! Alluvium has a noticeably ‘flat’ structure, in that less experienced staff have access to those more experienced who may also hold greater responsibility. This has great outcomes for knowledge sharing and the bringing together of differing expertise and perspectives, and also makes the workplace more sociable and livelier for everyone. Outside of work, we’ve had some great get togethers to celebrate annual milestones, as well as more casual after-work drinks, games of tennis, and the like. Our Yammer is also very active, and is a great way for the teams from different states to keep in close contact.
Our reporting shows we have equal pay levels for females and males in the same role. I think we have quite a high proportion of females working at our company, given we work in STEM. The company is working on improving diversity in leadership positions over time. Our parental leave policy promotes equality as it doesn't distinguish leave entitlements based on primary/secondary carer.
A brief ‘Consulting 101’ module or session that covers the basic skills and logistics of consulting would be great for those that have no prior consulting experience. It could include elements such as how to structure your day to prioritise billable hours, what is the project journey from a brief and tender, through to submitting a winning bid, and then carrying out the project work itself. It could also cover aspects such as the basics of client relations and project management in a consulting context, for example.
Managers are very accessible and are always there to support and mentor you. We have weekly meetings with managers to update them on how we're tracking. They are great at providing feedback.
Office Work Environment
Office Work Environment
The office: The current office is situating in Cremorne, which has a lot of nifty cafes. There is a coffee machine in the office and there are snacks and fruit delivered every week. The dress code: Alluvium is a casual bunch. People dress from casual to business casual at the office.
I was recommended to Alluvium through my previous internship manager; therefore, it may be different for other graduates. There is a less rigid interview process compared to other consultancies that have external application portals and cognitive ability tests. I was asked about my experience, the kinds of tasks I was good at, my salary expectations and the number of days I'd like to work. Be honest in your answers rather than saying what you think they want to hear.
Happy with my pay, just received a pay rise which I am very satisfied with so early on in my career. We get some fruit and snacks (e.g. muffins, biscuits, chocolate) provided in the kitchen. If you move offices for a certain length of time, they pay moving expenses.
We have a professional development plan that we develop and formally review each year. It is tailored to our personal interests, strengths, weaknesses and career progression. We are offered to attend both internal and external professional development activities, conferences, lunch and learns, courses and field-specific training.
Work Hours
Work Hours
I’m really happy with my work hours. I am currently studying full-time while working part-time at Alluvium, and Alluvium has been very accommodating working around my university timetable and ensuring I have adequate time to meet my study commitments comfortably. I don’t feel any pressure to work additional hours, and my manager has actively encouraged me to leave on time!
Along with being a certified B Corp organisation, Alluvium’s entire ethos is one that champions and prioritises sustainability, particularly environmental sustainability. This is reflected in many aspects of the workplace, such as having a carefully considered waste management system (including compost), having plant-based milk in the fridge, having ample indoor bike parking, all the way up to high impact decisions, such as carefully considering what industry sectors they will engage in projects with.