Updating Results

Meltwater Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Meltwater Australia Reviews

Based on 19 surveyed graduates working at Meltwater Australia. Read on to get an insider’s view on life as a graduate.
Based on 19 reviews

Pros & Cons

  • High level of autonomy and trust. They also invest a lot of time and effort into training and ensuring that you have a position that properly meets your needs and interests.
  • The companies focus on growing their people. The autonomy I have in my role.
  • The team! I work very closely with a team of 12 and they have quickly moved from my colleagues to my friends. Our job can be difficult and stressful at times, as any job can, however, being surrounded by a warm, supportive, and highly engaged team makes these challenges seem small.
  • People - you get to work with motivated and like-minded people who are as invested in the company's success as you are. Everyone is brought into the journey of personal development and our vision within the AUNZ region. The people I work with are part of the reason I bounce out of bed every morning, I love who I get to spend my days with, and many of them are friends outside of the office too! Culture - our company's success is achieved off the backbone of a number of things but culture is certainly up there as one of the key reasons we have been such a successful company. When company's talk about culture on their websites or on social etc, it's often not reflected in real life - at Meltwater it's 100% more than what you expect and that's the continuous feedback we receive from newly on-boarded hires. We also have fun nights out together, a few bevvies down by the pub, office events etc. which is the cherry on the top! Product - our product is amazing and continuously developing, it's never the same and is changing based on global industry trends and patterns - it makes it really exciting working with clients. We also acquire a number of AI-based companies each year which drives the innovation and tech piece we're often punting!
  • No two days are alike. One day is totally different from the next. You also work with a wide variety of businesses.
  • It can sometimes be stressful when you're trying to achieve things never done before.
  • Can be stressful, you have a lot of responsibility.
  • There is not much to complain about, besides my 4.30 am wake-up + 6.00 am start, but I get to watch the sunrise over Sydney Harbour and finish at 1, so it evens out!
  • I wouldn't say things are worse than others, you need to set your expectations of what 'work-life' will be like, and what it takes to be successful and develop your skills through personal development. Hard work is something you should expect from any business and at Meltwater, you can expect to work hard and will need to put in the effort to be a success however the rewards are so sweet, it'll be worth it. From career development and learning new skills very quickly to international trips and earning some really good $ off the back of the work you put in, you can't go wrong. Expect to work hard and expect to be challenged and push yourself.
  • Trying to prove yourself in a role where there is no target to beat or double or beat others in.

What Insiders Say

Career Prospects
Career Prospects
There are a lot of avenues to take and new roles created as the business expands. I believe there is a lot of personal growth available.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
We have a CSR club where we run an initiative for recycling and keep cups to reduce waste. We've raised money for WWF, The Leukemia Foundation and other organisations. Similarly, Meltwater allows employees to take paid time off to do CSR/charity/volunteer initiatives.
Meltwater has a real emphasis on culture and holds lots of events and team bonding events where all my coworkers actually want to get involved and dress up and aren’t just doing it because they have to. There is a real drive within the organisation for each person to prove themselves and it is very motivating as everyone cheers on everyone's successes.
The company is young and has people from all countries, backgrounds, beliefs, sexuality, etc.
Good variety, a chance to get out of the office, great teammates. Month to month is mostly the same with a slight variation with different clients.
My manager is very supportive and invested in our development.
Office Work Environment
Office Work Environment
Great space, great location, great people.
There were a lot of questions about my interests, experience and career goals. Considering I was a graduate of the questions were tailored more to my future opportunities rather than my previous work in the industry. Research the company, know what you want and assert yourself.
Generous and achievable. Social events outside of work.
Initial training was great, but then it slipped a bit on new products. recently training has been a huge focus so enjoying all the learning sessions.
Work Hours
Work Hours
9.00 am to 5.30 am but often start at 8.00 am to 8.30 am and sometimes leave at 6.00 pm, which is still fine. We have an hour for lunch to go to the gym, and can leave early or start late if we have something on.
Being conscientious of waste is important in Meltwater with waste sorted into multiple bins, keep cups for everyone and active efforts not to use plastic cutlery or straws.